Tech Math

Denise Toole, Instructor
660-646-3414 Ext. 20238
At the Grand River Technical School, math instruction is provided for both high school and post-high students.
High school classes include Technical Math I and Technical Math II. They are nine-month classes for high school juniors and seniors. These classes are taught by Reid Stephens and Denise Toole.
Technical Math I reviews skills found on employment or certification tests and covers many Missouri Learning Standards found on college entrance exams.
Technical Math II also covers math for employment tests and college prep math but is more tailored to the students in each individual class. It involves applications and projects related to the student's career area, including health occupations, auto mechanics, welding, and building trades.
Both classes incorporate problems from a variety of careers since the students are not separated by their career choices.
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Post-high math classes are separated by program. This allows the math class to concentrate on problems or skills specific to each program.
Most post-high programs attend math 1-2 hours per week during the first semester.